#188 How to write
Lately, as you may have noticed, I’ve been writing about writing. And I’ve admitted that it’s been a struggle to create consistently, to find what it is that I really want to write about, and to uncover who it is that I’m writing for.
Julia Cameron, who I’ve written about earlier, has been some help with her prescription of ‘morning pages’ and ‘artist dates’. She’s helped bring some amount of method to the madness, at least during the times I’ve been able to successfully incorporate her recommendations into my daily life.
And now here’s another writer to be inspired by. I’ve always been in awe of Maria Popova of Brain Pickings (now The Marginalian) for her perspective, her well-researched writing, and the sheer scale to which she has single-handedly brought her platform.
Here’s a little insight into how she approaches her mammoth undertaking. I hope to learn a thing or two from her, and maybe you will too.
Finally, even though even Marie Kondo has given up on her cleaning compulsion, we are not ones to give up; we still want JOT to be something that sparks joy. You’ll hear from us a little less than usual for a bit, but know that we’re working on keeping the joy alive.
P. S. You know a creative human who could use some help? Why haven’t you forwarded this to them yet?