👀 A-maze-ing games, how great they sound
#241 | A puzzle for you, a puzzle for you, a puzzle for everyone
Hi there,
I have a confession to make. I love puzzle games a lot. Like, really a lot. There have been times when I've had 19 different puzzle games installed on my phone and I made time to play all of them everyday.
Now, I'm older, and wiser and try to limit my game time on my phones. Which is why it gives me great joy to introduce you to Brainzilla, where you can play all the puzzle games you want without needing a phone.
Word games, tangrams, sudoku, jigsaw puzzles... Brainzilla has it all. My personal favourite though are Logic Grid puzzles. There's something very satisfying in getting the right ticks in there.
Go ahead. Get your game on.