๐ Judgments passed quicker than a fibre-rich meal
#242 | Hello, self-reflection, meet virtual pitchforks
Picture this: I'm nestled in a snug armchair, munching popcorn, swiping through a post on Reddit titled, "Am I the Asshole for teaching my parrot to insult my mother-in-law?"
How could I not click through?
Am I the Asshole is a wacky wonderland where ordinary people ask the world's most distinguished couch psychologists to determine their levels of assholery. These posts are almost all about outrageous behaviour, some of them utterly out of this world. But the real whirly jig of wackiness can be found in the comments. Self-proclaimed super sleuths with their magnifying glasses dissecting the twisted motivations of every single poster. As if Sherlock Holmes himself is investigating vanishing etiquette.ย
It's like watching a sitcom play out in real life, with the peanut gallery as the real stars. One moment, you're pondering a genuine ethical dilemma. The next, you're being catapulted into complete pandemonium.ย
What makes this subreddit special is its passionate and devoted community keyboard Judge Judys, ever ready to pass judgement and dispense internet justice.ย
It also features its own charming vernacular. I've added common Reddit terms to help you navigate.
AITA - Am I the Asshole
NTA - Not the Asshole
YTA - Youโre the Asshole
ESH - Everyone Sucks Here
OP - Original Poster/Original Post
TL;DR - Too Long; Didn't Read
DAE - Does Anyone Else
IIRC - If I Remember/Recall Correctly
FTFY - Fixed That For Youย
AMA/AMAA - Ask Me Anything/Ask Me Almost Anything
CMV - Change My View
LPT - Life Pro Tip
ELI5 - Explain Like I'm 5
IMO - In My Opinion
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
SO - Significant Other
YSK - You Should Know
TIL - Today I Learned
That's all the Reddit lexicon I know. Go take a look for yourselves. It's a welcome escape from the mundane, a chance to laugh at the human condition, and a reminder that we're all a little bit weird and a whole lot human.ย