If there's lots of talk around Palestine these days, I'll say it's not enough. More than talk, though, there needs to be understanding for those of us on the far, far sidelines. Nikita's brilliantly collected documentaries and written an incisive video breakdown masquerading as a hummus recipe (please check it out if you haven't already).
My way of taking things in, though, is the written word. And to make it easier for people like me, there are the people at Verso.
Today's Thing, therefore, is a repository of free e-books and resources released by them that provide information about this seventy-year conflict.
I won't lie and say I've gone through them all, but I intend to. My last read was this essay by a Jewish writer.
And yes, conflicts are ever-prevalent in the world and within our dysfunctional borders every single day -to the point that we've become apathetic. But as witnesses to this scale of visible devastation, we must know that what we excuse now lays the foundation for what we're signing up to bear if (or when?) it's our time.
Your local doomsayer,  Â